Monday 12 August 21:15 - 22:30

Badiamusica - Ludus Quartet


Beginning: 21:15

End: 22:30

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Badia, in the parish church
+39 0471 839695,
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Concert of the Badiamusica Festival with the Ludus Quartet featuring Andrea Ferroni and Ivo Crepaldi on the violin, Alexander Monteverde on the viola, Ivo Brigadoi on the cello and Franz Comploi on the organ.

At the court of El Escorial in Madrid

The organist and the Ludus Quartet will be travelling together to El Escorial and will provide a musical accompaniment to the period in which Antonio Soler studied the art of counterpoint with his teacher and mentor Domenico Scarlatti (1772 to 1757). This knowledge made him one of the greatest composers for organ and harpsichord. Like Scarlatti, Soler also used elements of Spanish folk music in his works. Boccherini, who visited El Escoril in 1768, caused Soler to rethink his musical language at a later stage. Soler's style was now characterised by early classical music.

Entrance is free.

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