RS sellaronda bike
RS sellaronda bike

Mountain biking and cycling

Exploring the Alta Badia by bicycle is a real pleasure and a wonderful way to enjoy the natural landscape to the fullest

Alta Badia is not only perfect for those who prefer easy or moderate routes, but also for those who seek the challenge and spare no effort, as this area has got world-famous routes to offer. Why don't you try mountain biking along the Giro d'Italia stage or cycling round the Sella Group? In summer, however, you can take part in the famous "Maratona dles Dolomites" cycling race or the "Sella Ronda Bike Day". By the way: most of the lift facilities offer bike transport.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort
    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

Tips and more infos