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sport fitness alta badia pixabay cc publicdomain

Fitness trail

Keep in shape in Alta Badia’s nature - that’s possible on a 3 km long fitness trail along the course of the Rio Gardena brook

A fitness trail, or fitness circuit, is characterised by different fitness stations along the way, including for example bars for pull-ups or tree stumps to jump over. This rather easy way to keep in shape in nature dates back to the Seventies.

The Gran Ega - La Villa fitness trail starts at the La Villa sports area and proceeds on a length of 3 km along the course of the Rio Gadera brook (see pic) towards the village of Corvara. A total of 25 practice stations await you along the track.

Also the so-called Movimënt Fitness Parks invite to keep in shape in nature. They are located on a highland between Corvara, La Villa and San Cassiano at approx. 2,000 m a.s.l. Surrounded by fresh mountain air and the breathtaking Dolomite scenery, you can undergo Kneipp therapy, try the various fitness stations, doing balancing exercises and go nordic walking or jogging.

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